Friday was a fun day. Karl took the day off, and we just piddled around the house. We met up with our geocaching friends for lunch at a local Chinese food restaurant. After lunch, we piddled around some more before it was time to pick Hannah up from school.
Wow, this is riveting. Are you on the edge of your seat?
Friday evening, we dropped Hannah off at camp for her second staff weekend. She received a promotion from Counselor-in-Training to full-fledged counselor because one staffer resigned because he couldn’t juggle camp responsibilities and football team responsibilities. Hannah is THRILLED! She started working Saturday morning in Ecology. She and the rest of the Ecology staff searched camp for various critters to use for their classes. She said they found a salamander, a newt, a crawfish habitat, a frog, a tadpole, a scorpion, and some other creepy crawlies. She said they were hoping to find a snake. This position is a great fit for her. From the time she could toddle around on her own she has been catching animals and learning about them.
Saturday was mostly spent doing laundry and other things around the house. That afternoon, I took the boys to camp so that they could take their swimming test. Campers have to demonstrate swimming proficiency in order to have some freedom to swim in the pool and in the lake during summer camp. They passed their tests. Now all we have left to do to prepare for summer camp is pack.
Saturday night, we watched a movie. Thor, I think. It was quite late before I fell asleep.
Sunday (Mother’s Day), we picked up my mom so that she could join us for worship at our church. After church, we met up with Karl’s side of the family for a celebratory lunch at Schlotsky’s. I had my usual — Chicken Pesto Pizza. They put more cheese on it than normal, so it was a little different.
THEN, we went to visit Karl’s dad’s parents. We had a nice visit at their house. We also had some good laughs over the recent essential oils craze that is going on around us. Several months ago, a sweet friend gave me samples of Thieves, Di-Gize, and Peppermint (these are Young Living EOs). The first time I put Thieves on my body, Karl wanted to know why I smelled like a brined turkey. Anyway, I did a little research (and by “little” I mean I utilized the google) on the company and their opportunity. I found several articles which cast their founder and his dubious past in a very negative light. Plus, there’s a lawsuit going on about their harvesting & guarantee. While I don’t doubt the benefits of essential oils, I don’t enjoy MLMs and monthly purchasing requirements. So, I decided to simply purchase my oils directly from other companies. I’ve ordered from Rocky Mountain Oils/Native American Nutritionals and have been pleased so far.
This evening, I’m winding down with a little blogging and candy crush. Lord help me, I started playing candy crush saga for the first time Saturday night. It is ridiculously fun.